
day four

To truly hunger and thirst for righteousness is the cry of my heart.  Spiritual hunger is so contagious.  Today the passionate desire for more of Him was so contagious with everyone I came in contact with.  I talked with several people today about what God is doing in my life, not because of anything i said but rather all because of what the saw in me.  I talked with a guy today after my Church in Missions class about what He has been showing me and how it has impacted my life lately and stirred up this hunger and thirst for more of God.  He was encouraged and we both walked about full of smiles and full of joy for knowing that God is doing something on this campus that is way bigger than just each of us as individuals but rather God is doing something campus wide to begin to reunite the bride of Christ and allow it all to start with us.  We have to pray, we have to seek His face, and most importantly we have to let go of everything that has anything to do with us, and allow Him to empty us so that He can flow through us as vessels.

After a great day of being in the Word and truly desiring spiritually far more than I do physically God is really drawing me closer to Him.  I am learning and growing exponentially right now both in the books and on my face.  He has taught me so much and it only makes me want even more.  As i sought God's will for my life today and what He wants for me I just felt this strong peace in my spirit that just said, "let go. let God."  There is always something in my life that I am not fully giving over to Christ.  Today it was my school and the work load.  If I am being completely honest with myself I know that I can space out everything just right to where if I stay on top of it I will be more than fine.  It really isn't that much if I do it according to the pace I have set, but when I get caught up doing other stuff (even reading some of these books that I want to read while being on this journey) I get out of His will.  I was reminded today that God's will for me is to be a student.  That God's will for me is to get good grades and to worship Him through hitting the books.  That I can operate in the Spirit while writing a paper, or studying for a test because that is what God wants for me right now in this time of my life.  It is a weird concept to really think about but I am really embracing it as the semester goes on.  To fully be operating in the Spirit in every aspect would include my school work, my classes, and my studying.  Every aspect of life should be done while being fully obedient to the Spirit of God.  This is what God is trying to not only show me, but create a mindset in me about.

Books I read today:
i am not but i know I AM - Louie Giglio
The Final Quest - Rick Joyner

Scripture I read today:
John 5-15
Romans 8
Psalm 1

Verse of the day:
John 5:19

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